Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Plastiq's Eliot Buchanan and Daniel Choi cofounded the company when they were 22.
Image Credit: ©2015 Jon Chomitz Photography

Getting a business off the ground is hard and often feels like one obstacle after another. You need a compelling idea. You need funding. You need customers. You need to learn how to market – the list of things you need is endless, but perhaps the most critical thing you will need is people to take you seriously. It can be hard to get that no matter your age, but as a young entrepreneur you will often be faced with more challenges establishing credibility with potential investors, your team and peers, potential partners and even your customers.

Image: Plastiq's Eliot Buchanan and Daniel Choi cofounded the company when they were 22. Image Credit: ©2015 Jon Chomitz Photography