Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Just as the PC has become a staple of everyday life, so too has the internet. For those old enough to remember, the PC used to be relegated to the techy crowd, so the internet was the domain of the scientist. But as the PC gained popularity and the price grew within the reach of ordinary people, so the internet changed as well. Once the realm of academics, the internet is now nearly indispensable to everyday people. Social media has become an integral part of business strategy. As per Social Media Daily, “Businesses are able to spread their presence through channels such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Soundcloud and Google Plus.” One can hardly remember what life was like without it, and there are generations that never lived without it. It has become ingrained in our lives, it has replaced ordinary things like going to movies, reading books and balancing our checkbooks.
