Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

illinois innovation network

Recent research has documented how, since the end of the recession, more and more college students have been drawn to the study of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines.1 In fact, several of the fastest-growing disciplines are part of STEM, suggesting that students nationwide recognize the career opportunities and demand in these fields.

To better understand trends in STEM, especially as these apply to Illinois, the 2015 edition of the Innovation Index talent issue offers a comprehensive analysis of Illinois’ high-tech economy through the lens of supply—STEM degrees granted in the state—and demand—employment in STEM fields. The analysis focuses on the concentration of STEM studies and occupations, growth over time, and the state’s performance compared with the national average. The issue also examines the contribution of immigrant students to Illinois’ STEM talent pool, the fastest-growing high-tech industries and occupations in Illinois, and the emergence of “hybrid jobs” that require both STEM and non-STEM skill sets.