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Breakthrough InstituteEight universities and think tanks have all converged on four policy principles to enhance technology innovation in the effort to mitigate climate change, says a new report released earlier this week by the Clean Air Task Force and the Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University.

The report, "Four Policy Principles for Energy Innovation & Climate Change: A Synthesis" (PDF) combined the recommendations made in eight studies conducted by universities like Harvard and MIT as well as think tanks like the Brookings Institution and the National Commission on Energy Policy to create the following four policy principles:

    1. Recognize that innovation policy is more than R&D policy
    2. Pursue multiple innovation pathways
    3. Recognize CO2 reduction as a public good, and pursue energy innovation through a public works model.
    4. Encourage collaboration on energy innovation with rapidly industrializing countries.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Breakthrough Institute: Converging on National Energy Innovation Policy

Author: Breakthrough Institute