Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Patrícia Gomes

Applying for accelerator programs can easily drain one’s time and energy. But the resources, connections and mentorships they offer can make all the difference between a company that stalls—and one that succeeds.

The application process may seem daunting; still, over 100 startups have graduated from edtech accelerators. We asked several entrepreneurs who have been through the fire—along with a couple investors who run the programs—for their advice on building a strong application. The following is a summary of tips from Tim Brady (co-founder of Imagine K12), Bart Epstein (CEO at Jefferson Education Accelerator), Aaron Feuer (co-founder and CEO of Panorama Education), Grant Hosford (co-founder and CEO of codeSpark), Nitesh Goel (co-founder of Padlet) and Kate Whiting (co-founder and CEO of Educents).