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Thai Nguyen writes from the intersection of success, psychology and spirituality, and invites readers to embrace a holistic lifestyle. He was born in Vietnam, raised in Australia and earned a BA in Humanities in Texas. Nguyen has been a five-star chef and an international kick boxer but is now a spiritual teacher and writer. He’s currently living in Cusco, Peru, finishing his book on the power of stories in shaping our lives. You can follow his work at or connect with him on Twitter and Facebook

There’s a fascinating link between geniuses and eccentric behavior. Einstein picked cigarette butts off the street and used the tobacco for his pipe; Benjamin Franklin sat naked in front of a window every morning and let the air circulate over his body. He called it an “air bath”.

Their eccentricity isn’t completely without explanation; there are mental benefits behind some of their madness. Here are eight quirky habits from geniuses that will make you smarter: