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LNewImageast week I watched the movie Unbroken, which recounts Louie Zamperini’s story of survival during World War II as he drifted at sea on a raft for 47 days after his bomber was shot down and was subsequently picked up by a Japanese destroyer and sent to a P.O.W. camp where he spent two years struggling to stay alive.

“Survival. Resilience. Redemption.” was the marketing slogan for the movie, meant to capture the spirit of Zamperini’s magnificent tale. The movie was excellent and the slogan struck a chord with me as I thought about the industry full of people (including myself) who’ve been eagerly awaiting the SEC’s crowdfunding rules, which were made public today after a three-year delay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not comparing waiting for these rules to the trauma endured by Zamperini. But the syntax of that slogan certainly resonates.
