Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

coffee in person

Is this a familiar scene? It's after lunch, you still have a few hours left in the workday, but you’re blankly staring at your computer screen, feeling like you need a nap.

The 3 p.m. slump is a common occurrence in every office. The feeling can be blamed on circadian rhythms that regulate our sleep patterns. Our bodies’ sleep signals peak during the afternoon, making us crave a nap. What we eat and how much we drink during the day also impact our energy levels around this time of day. While you may be tempted to grab a soda, coffee, candy bar, or another pick-me-up to push through the day, these quick fixes can leave you feeling even more tired. Try these 3 p.m. slump ideas instead: