Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The next big technological breakthrough in seed trait technology may be under development at Purdue University. To help discover what that is and bring it to the market place is the goal of the new “Ag-celerator” project. Purdue University College of Agriculture and Purdue Research Foundation officials announced a $2 million fund on Thursday to help launch startups based on Purdue plant sciences innovations, focused on advancing crop traits and generating higher yields. The plant sciences innovation fund, supported through the Purdue Moves initiative, is called the “Ag-celerator.” The fund is designed to provide critical startup support for Purdue innovators who wish to commercialize patented intellectual property or Purdue “know-how” technologies in plant sciences, including areas of research in crop optimization, hybrid and seed development, and precision agriculture.
