Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Entries by Jake Newfield

7 Traits You Need as an Entrepreneur
(0) Comments | Posted December 11, 2015	| 4:32 PM


One of my old bosses once told me,

One of my old bosses once told me, "It doesn't matter what your title is. Whatever the company needs, that's what you do. If they made me Director of Toilet Cleaning, we would have the cleanest toilets in the city, period."

I now carry this mentality with me through any endeavor I take part in.

A lot of people join the startup world because they get jazzed up about the boost in responsibility, increased versatility of tasks, elevated power and job title. Tech startups are "sexy," and many entrepreneurs let this go to their head.