The forecasting methods that we are
developing at the Ingenesist Project
have become sufficiently vetted and organized that I have decided to
formalize them for review by others. The “WIKiD Tools” method is
fairly simple to describe and demonstrate, but be assured, it is a
powerful method for predicting futures outcomes.
WIKiD stands for:
Wisdom > Innovation > Knowledge > Information > Data
All five of these elements are related to each other – in fact, each is derived from the prior element by integrating the tools of that medium. For example information is derived from data by integrating the tools of the data medium. Knowledge is derived from information by integrating the tools of information medium, innovation is derived from knowledge by integrating the tools of the knowledge medium, etc.
Likewise, if I want to predict innovation, I look for high rates of change of knowledge in it’s medium….and so on for all five elements as needed.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Forecasting Wisdom? |