Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Matt Rosoff
Matt runs the tech vertical and the San Francisco bureau for Business Insider. He was BI's first West Coast editor from 2010 t0 2012, and in the interim he ran an enterprise technology site, CITEworld.

Previously, he was an analyst for Directions on Microsoft and blogged about music tech for CBS Interactive. From 1995 to 2000, he was a founding editor at

Every so often, a journalist who thrived in the old days decries the current state of mostly digital journalism and discourages youngsters from pursuing a career there. Things were so much better in the old days, these columns usually say. Nowadays, everybody's just chasing clicks, it's a race to the bottom for advertising money, great journalists can't find decent paying work, and the work isn't very satisfying — basically woe and gloom.