Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The latest U.S. buyout cycle is beginning to run out of fuel. At just under $606 billion across 3,602 completed deals, U.S. PE deal counts in 2015 slid by over 8%, while total deal value dropped by nearly 5%. Our 2015 Annual U.S. PE Breakdown emphasizes that overall 2015 numbers were strong on a historical basis, but there is strong evidence suggesting the tide is slowly ebbing down.

A few key data points behind our reasoning:

  • From 3Q to 4Q, total U.S. PE deal value fell by a huge 38% 
  • For 2015 as a whole, U.S. buyout multiples fell to pre-2013 levels 
  • But exit numbers remain stable, and fundraising relatively substantial

To form your own take, click here to download the full report, which is sponsored by Merrill DataSite and co-sponsored by Murray Devine.