It’s easy to get in a rut when designing websites. Web designers know what they’re good at and tend to play to their strengths. However, certain projects allow a designer to look at a site in a different way, and to push their creative approach to new limits. Boosting creativity starts with studying current trends in web design, evaluating what makes them successful, and implementing those techniques using your own unique style. To get your creative juices flowing, here are 10 tips to consider.
1.) Think in color—and the lack thereof. When re-vamping or creating a site from scratch for a client, use the knowledge that is available of color to strengthen your concept. For instance, blue themes are attractive both to men and women and suggest calm and tranquility while providing a sense of dependability and reliability. This is why the color is often used in combination with white for the websites of hospitals (see sites for Johns Hopkins Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital) to suggest that the hospital is capable of soothing and healing and can be counted on as reliable.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 10 Great Tips to Boost Creativity
Author: marianaa