Personal branding is a hot concept, which is both good news and bad.
For fans of the idea, its ascendancy means more people can benefit from
presenting themselves in a compelling way. For those trying
to stand out from the personal branding herd, however, it could be a
With everyone and their mother trying to make a name for themselves, it’s harder and harder to be heard through all the noise. To do so you need expert help, and for top tips there are few better qualified to help than entrepreneur and uber-blogger Guy Kawasaki. Recently on Dan Schawbel’s Personal Branding Blog, Pete Kistler dug into Kawasaki’s book Art of the Start and outlined five secrets of personal branding success he found there:
- Make Meaning, Not Money. If you’re into personal branding with the goal of making money, stop now. You will attract the wrong kind of people into your life. Instead, start with the goal of making meaning. What better way to align all your actions with your long-term goals. What kind of meaning will you make? Kawasaki suggests two ideas for inspiration: 1) right a wrong, or 2) prevent the end of something good. What will you do to make the world a better place?
To read the full, original article click on this link: Personal Branding: 5 Secrets of Success from Guy Kawasaki | Entry-Level Rebel | BNET
Author: Jessica Stillman