Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Imagine if you could become a millionaire. How great would it be to have the money you need to live the lifestyle you have always wanted? Now imagine if you could do this in your 20s?

Even if you think it sounds like a stretch, it is possible to become a millionaire at a young age. I became a millionaire by age 21. My second millionaire student who followed my program became a millionaire by the age of 23. The most impressive part? He did it all by trading penny stocks. It didn’t require years of school or training, just hard work and the right approach. He proved that it is possible. Also please note that these rules can be followed at any age. When followed properly, they can help you become a millionaire sooner than you ever imagined. Here are some steps to follow in order to start your journey towards becoming a millionaire.