Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


After experiencing and writing in a recent blog about Serendipity – a fortunate happenstance, I wound up having what seemed like the opposite, an unfortunate happenstance. This occurred when I forgot to make a reservation at a hard to get into restaurant for a dinner with an out-of-town client passing through Birchrunville.

If you follow the food media you might know the place I’m referring to, the Birchrunville Store Café. As you might expect from the only business in Birchrunville, the Café is a quirky place. It’s located in the old general store, it only takes cash or checks, is BYOB, and it’s open just four nights a week. And it seats just 42 people. One table for 8 and the rest for 2 or 4 and no, you can’t push them together.