According to a psychiatrist, the thought that artists are inspired by drugs and alcohol to create magnificent work of art, is a dangerous myth. The reason behind it is that they suppress creativity, rather than boosting it.
Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry at Gartnavel Royal Hospital in Glasgow, Iain Smith, is of the view that many artists, who were renowned for their use of such substances, produced their greatest works, when they under the effect of alcohol.
Smith revealed that the myth owes its popularity to the appeal of these intoxicating substances. The myth is also powerful because many artistes require drugs to handle their emotions. He also disclosed that artists are highly emotional and therefore, use of these substances to cope up with their emotions is expected to happen.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Psychiatrist Says Alcohol Suppresses Creativity | TopNews United States
Author: Satish Karat