Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Collaborate: Leading Regional Innovation Clusters

Dear Rich,
I am attaching Collaborate: Leading Regional Innovation Clusters, the third in a series of reports on regional innovation by the Council on Competitiveness.  Collaborate asks: why are some regions more successful than others in global competition?  The answer is rarely that some regions are better endowed than others, but some regions are better organized than others.  The lagging regions frequently share an inability to think, plan and act regionally.   
However, acting like a region is easier said than done.  Because our political jurisdictions and economic regions rarely overlap, decision making on the regional level is time-consuming and cumbersome.  It constitutes a competitive disadvantage.
Collaborate is about how to turn that competitive disadvantage into a collaborative advantage by addressing the question of what kind of leadership enables regions to harness their individual strategies and unique assets to accelerate economic growth, job creation and collective prosperity.   It brings into focus the unexamined issue of regional leadership and explores the role of regional leadership in a globally competitive environment.
The Council is eager for feedback on this latest report.  It can be sent to me at the e-mail below.  We encourage you to circulate this report to individuals and organizations who might be interested.  It would be great if you could mention it in Innovation Daily,
Sam Leiken
Samuel Leiken
Vice President
Council on Competitiveness
T:  202 969 3394
F:  202 682 5150