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Founded by Rich Bendis


LOS ANGELES BizBash Live: The Expo took over Los Angeles’ California Market Center on July 13, and included a packed lineup of smart speakers at the Event Innovation Forum downstairs from the buzzing exhibit floor. With speakers representing such thought-leading organizations as Google, Salesforce, and even the White House the program offered a range of provoking takeaways including these big ideas.

1. “Focus on the user and all else will follow.” Google executive producer Amanda Matuk described how her team reinvented the brand’s massive annual developer conference, known as I/O. The approach included a larger keynote, more technical content, and more and larger breakouts. “But we didn’t just scale for scale’s sake,” she explained

Image: Former White House social secretary Jeremy Bernard offered insights from the stage at the Event Innovation Forum in Los Angeles on July 13. Photo: Michelle Kyle Photography for BizBash