Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


People always ask me questions about entrepreneurship. Questions like:

  • Is being an entrepreneur as good as people say?
  • Can I really make money?
  • Can anyone do it?

As I was giving a speech to a room of recent immigrants on ‘Starting Your Own Business,, a tiny South Asian woman asked me if it was too late for her to start a business at 89 years of age. Pondering this, I asked her if there were children on the street where she lived in Vancouver. When she said there were many, I suggested an after school care program for older kids. Bring in two or three and make a business out of it. She called me a few weeks later and told me she had started her little business at a spritely 89 and was invigorated by the kids.