Our recent features include a major report from Jonathan Sallet, Ed Paisley, and Justin Masterman on how the federal government can support innovation clusters. As well, Ruth Faden and Jonathan Moreno describe the ethical imperative for healthcare reform; Ricardo Rossello explains new possibilities for flu vaccines; and Eli Adashi argues that in spite of recent controversies over in vitro fertilization, we should not lose sight of the pioneering research that has helped millions of infertile couples.
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September 9, 2009
Our recent features include a major report from Jonathan Sallet, Ed Paisley, and Justin Masterman on how the federal government can support innovation clusters. As well, Ruth Faden and Jonathan Moreno describe the ethical imperative for healthcare reform; Ricardo Rossello explains new possibilities for flu vaccines; and Eli Adashi argues that in spite of recent controversies over in vitro fertilization, we should not lose sight of the pioneering research that has helped millions of infertile couples.

The Geography of Innovation
By Jonathan Sallet, Ed Paisley, and Justin Masterman Government can assume a vital role in which it frames critical national challenges, facilitates the flow of information and expertise to and between regions, and helps finance valuable activities that innovation clusters would otherwise be unable to undertake.

Supporting Health Care Reform Is the Right Thing to Do
By Ruth R. Faden and Jonathan D. Moreno In supporting health care reform, we can be good citizens and morally responsible neighbors, and still do right by those we love.

How Did the Vaccine Cross the Road?
By Ricardo Rossello, PhD Vaccines grown in cell cultures, virus-like particles that stimulate the immune system without threat of infection, and antibodies that could attack any flu strain are all promising routes to slowing pandemics.

History Seen Through a Test Tube
By Eli Y. Adashi In spite of the issues raised by the birth of Nayda Suleman’s octuplets, we should not lose sight of the pioneering IVF research that laid the ground work for a scientific triumph that has helped millions of infertile couples for over 30 years.
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