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A new UC Berkeley study says the state can build renewables rapidly while making big money and adding jobs.

A cutting-edge incentive program is the way California can meet its need for renewable energy while bringing enormous financial benefits to the state and adding jobs by the thousands.

According to the study "Economic Benefits of a Comprehensive Feed-In Tariff: An Analysis of the REESA in California," conducted by Dan Kammen and Max Wei of the University of California, Berkeley's Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory Energy and Resources Group, a well-designed feed-in tariff (FiT) like the one in pending state legislation will bring California $2 billion in additional tax revenue and $50 billion in new investment, while adding an average of 50,000 new jobs a year for a decade.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A Well-Designed Feed-In Tariff Can Drive Renewables in California : Greentech Media

Author: Herman K. Trabish