In a recent interview, Annie Lesroart of eBay, shared with us how eBay
implemented a fast, ambitious and effective strategy to go green. From
forty employees, the program expanded to hundreds of thousands of eBay
buyers and sellers (including people who don’t even work at eBay!) How
did this happen? And how can it happen for you?
by Chris Jarvis, Senior Consultant for Realized Worth, Follow Chris on Twitter @RealizedWorth
The change began over pizza and soda. A group of employees from a company known for its innovation and leadership could not help but notice the irony of the styrofoam cups in their hands. Turns out that styrofoam constitutes as much as 30% of landfills worldwide. A discussion ensued around what it means to be green, each of the employees deciding something had to be done. Without approval, mission or mandate, and with very modest ambitions, these employees formed the “Green Team.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Four Steps to Go Green Like eBay - Starting With Employees | The Green Economy Post: Green Careers, Green Business, Sustainability
Author: cjarvis