Developing countries are increasingly embracing innovation and
entrepreneurship as a key component of their social and economic
development. To this end, business incubators and other types of
business development service organizations are playing an important
role in providing infrastructure, business advice and mentoring,
networking, financing, and security to millions of business
entrepreneurs in developing countries that otherwise wouldn’t have the
resources to grow and scale up.
To explore this area further, infoDev commissioned a study, with support from IFC, that had two primary aims:
- Draw lessons from sustainable ICT business incubators to develop a model that could be implemented at scale in developing countries, particularly in the Africa region; and
- Propose an investment framework for evaluating prospective and
existing ICT business incubators, as well as innovative mechanisms for
addressing the financing needs of the incubated SMEs.
The report produced from the study includes:
To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Africa | Innovation Africa