Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


More than 500 startups from around the world applied to be part of MassChallenge Texas’ inaugural Austin class. 

Of those, 280 were invited to pitch their ideas before a panel of experts. Today, the Boston-based accelerator is unveiling the 84 companies that made the final cut.

The list includes startups from five continents, 11 countries and 12 states. A total of 45 companies are from Texas and 33 are Austin-based.

The startups will take part in a four-month program that includes access to mentors and investors, training and networking events and free coworking space at WeWork  locations across Austin.

Image: Giving City Austin - Mike Millard introduces new business accelerator MassChallenge Texas in October.