Start listening for guidance on innovation and you tend to hear a lot about Apple, Google,
and other high-tech pioneers in Silicon Valley, Boston, or Seattle. You
rarely hear about hospitals, especially those that operate closer to
farm fields than oceans.
Yet in the extensive research my team has done to uncover the mystery of successful innovation, we've found few track records to rival that of The Mayo Clinic, in decidedly non-urban Rochester, Minnesota. The World Database of Innovation we are compiling, as a collaborative effort between my firm, Generate Companies, and several universities, represents over 20,000 hours of work to date. As well as over 200 in-depth case studies, it compiles the ideas of 4,500 or so innovation experts and consultancies.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Innovation Thrives at the Mayo Clinic - BusinessWeek
Author: Uri Neren