Richard Bendis is an expert in the field of innovation, with experience as an entrepreneur, corporate executive, venture capitalist, investment banker, innovation and technology-based economic development leader, international speaker and consultant in the technology and healthcare industries. Mr. Bendis has provided global consulting services to over 16 countries and 22 states, several cities and regions, along with international organizations. Mr. Bendis currently serves as the founding President and CEO of Innovation America.
From an economic development perspective, the economic development trends have gone through many transitions. Especially in Iowa, the agricultural economy was Iowa's primary growth engine, and remains the framework through which the rest of the world sees Iowa. How does the innovation economy change that and should it?
Bendis: The agricultural economy is still key to employment in Iowa. Most outside of Iowa rarely recognize how that agricultural basis developed into a very strong manufacturing economy. That manufacturing growth was once the key pillar to growth in the state. While manufacturing is still a very large and very important industry to Iowa, manufacturing is not the avenue through which Iowa will experience its next emergence of growth opportunities.
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