Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Luxembourg appears to be emerging as a top research and innovation centre in Europe, scoring among the top six leaders and boasting the most attractive research system.

According to the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), published on 22 June Luxembourg rose from being classed as a “strong innovator” in 2017 to an “innovation leader”, performing 20% or more above the EU average. Also in the leader group was Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and UK. Germany did the opposite, sliding from an “innovatin leader” to a “strong innovator” where it joined Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland and Slovenia, a group which performed above or close to the EU average.

Image: Luxembourg rose from being classed as a “strong innovator” in 2017 to an “innovation leader” in the European Innovation Scoreboard Photo: Pexels