Creativity scares the s#!t out of lots of authority figures! Hand them some toilet paper and keep going!!!
- Creative variation is more than okay. Creative variation is wondrous!!!
- Explain something you’re familiar with to someone who has no idea about it. Use pictures. Or act it out. Or make it a song.
- Find a few moments for creative silence today – think, pray, nap to give yourself a break.
- Don’t email the same old memo. Do a diagram, mind map, or sketch of your points and use it instead.
- When known for complete unconventionality, sometimes you have to be blatantly conventional to stay truly unconventional. Surprise somebody today.
- Give your brain a break by thinking about something completely frivolous right this very instant.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation » 7 Creativity Thoughts to Change Your Day
Author: Mike Brown