On Christmas Day last year, I posted a list of ten great free e-books for innovators.
Today isn’t as festive, but I have another ten great free e-books that
can help you become more innovative. Connecting ideas is the
fundamental creative act in innovation, and one of the ways to do this
is to read widely in order to gain exposure to a wide variety of ideas.
This is a list of great resources that will help you do precisely that.
Making Do: Innovation in Kenya’s Informal Economy by Steve Daniels – We’re starting to hear more and more about highly innovative people in developing countries – when the innovations they develop migrate to developed countries, some call it reverse innovation, a phrase I’m not too fond of. This book tells the story of many interesting innovations in Kenya, including looking at the knowledge networks that facilitate collaboration within communities. No matter what you call it, innovation takes place everywhere. For other great stories, check out the Afrigadget blog, or do some research on Jugaad in India.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Ten More Great Free e-Books for Innovators « Innovation Leadership Network