In an earlier blog post, I included a quote from Voltaire. He once
said, “Man can only have a certain number of teeth, hairs, and ideas.
There comes a time when he necessarily loses his teeth, his hair, and
his ideas.” This quote sparked a small debate between two blog readers.
Dr.YKK chimed in with, “I don’t agree with Voltaire on the ideas part. As Einstein says, ideas are unlimited. I would like to add, ‘at whatever age.’ We don’t lose ideas, we gain ideas and wisdom with age.”
Gareth Garvey responded with, “Maybe the number of ideas we can have is unlimited. Our problem can be that as we get older we can find it harder to accept new ideas and end up rejecting our own ideas before we have voiced them. We need to remind ourselves to think young, at least some of the time.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation » Do We Get Less Creative As We Age?
Author: Stephen Shapiro