Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


In the age of iPhones, Slack notifications, and burritos delivered to our door, we all long for adventure. Call it unplugging, or #vanlife. But as it turns out, escaping the grind of the 9 to 5 is big business unto itself.

For the past five years, Airstream–yes, the 86-year-old company that makes those gleaming aluminum trailers–has celebrated a new golden age of growth. With sales up 218% over that time, the company has been operating at full production capacity, building 110 trailers a week for months; it’s now expanding to a 750,000-square-foot production facility in its home town of Jackson Center, Ohio, which will open in 2019. Already a hit with millennials who want to work on the road, the company is releasing two smaller, lower-cost models to continue wooing these younger customers, and looking to partner with designers and companies that can help it evolve.
