I've never been much of a fan of incubators. Some have made the model work. My favorite of the bunch is Betaworks,
based here in NYC. Betaworks is more than an incubator, but they have
shown that they can make the incubation model work with projects like bit.ly and chartbeat.
But one aspect of incubation that I like very much is the idea that multiple projects are sharing the same workspace. The term for this kind of work setup is coworking. There are various approaches to coworking.
There is the shared space model. Foursquare, Curbed, and Hard Candy Shell have shared a single office for the past year and a half and they get a lot of benefits from working together even though they are three companies all working on very different things. Our portfolio company Outside.in has employees from our portfolio companies Disqus and Zemanta working out of their office. We see that kind of setup all over the startup world. I encourage all of our young companies to think about that kind of setup.
To read the full, original article click on this link: A VC: Coworking Spaces
Author: Fred Wilson