Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

LNewImageying in bed each morning, listening to the water run as her roommate took a seemingly endless shower, Emily Batt felt a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. She wanted to be able to sleep until the shower was free, but had no way of knowing when her less-than-considerate roommate would vacate the bathroom.

Those frustrating mornings served as motivation during a team project in the Technology Venture Immersion (TVI) program, a unique, two-week course in the University’s new MS/MBA program, jointly offered by the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Harvard Business School.

Image: Teammates Andy Harris, Emily Batt, and Jack Rockaway developed this connected device and app that delays a smartphone alarm from sounding until the shower is empty. (Photo by Eliza Grinnell/SEAS Communications)