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How Ross Perot created the Information Age Commentary Dallas News

We so often see Ross in the red, white and blue colors of an earlier America. Deservedly so. Here are notes from his Horatio Alger life story: Texarkana newspaper boy; midshipman shaking lands with Dwight Eisenhower at graduation; leading salesman for IBM, fulfilling his sales quota for the year on Jan. 2; Fortune cover boy as the nation's first tech entrepreneur; advocate for Vietnam POWs; honored by the nation's Joint Chiefs of Staff for working to make sure every American wounded in combat received the health care treatment needed; independent candidate for president of the United States garnering the most popular votes ever by a independent candidate for the highest office in the land; humanitarian and philanthropist; devoted husband to the love of his life Margot; father to five wonderful children and 16 grandchildren. It is as if he stepped out of a Norman Rockwell painting and lived the American Dream.

Image: Electronic Data Systems S. Ross Perot, shows off the control of the company's newest information Processing Center in Auburn Hills, Mich., north of Detroit July 11, 1985. (The Associated Press)