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What should all startup founders know about venture capital? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by TJ Nahigian, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Base10 Partners, on Quora:

Venture capital MORE ON THIS TOPIC FROM FORBES How Do You Know If Your Business Is Right For Traditional Venture Capital Or Public Venture Capital? Pi Labs Founder Faisal Butt Steps In As CEO To Lead Its Next Stage Of Growth 5 Best Earbuds Under $20 Of 2019 isn’t for every company and can be a double edged sword for some.

Venture capitalists have high return expectations. At the early stage they are hoping for 10–20X+ investments. At the growth stage they are hoping for 5x+ investments but they also don’t want to lose money.