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Founded by Rich Bendis

The next 10 years Where is biotech headed Endpoints News

The last 10 years have seen a rev o lu tion in drug de vel op ment. Time lines have short ened, par tic u lar ly in on col o gy. Reg u la tors have opened up. In vest ment has sky rock et ed. Chi na be came a play er. Biotechs have mul ti plied as gene and cell ther a py has ex plod ed — of fer ing ma jor new ad vances in the way dis eases are treat ed, and some times cured.

So where are we head ed from here? I jour neyed out to San Fran cis co in Sep tem ber to dis cuss the an swer to that ques tion at Al lo gene’s open house. If the last 10 years have been an eye-open er, what does the next decade hold in store?
