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This is the fourth article in a series on what it takes to be a great angel investor (and why this should matter to entrepreneurs).  Part 1 – Access to Great Deal Flow – is here.

The first three skills I espoused were: access to the highest-quality deal-flow, domain knowledge of the topic area in which you’re investing and access to VCs to help fund the next stages of development.

As I’ve highlighted I believe we’re in a unique period similar to 2005-08 where the biggest tech firms of Silicon Valley (and some media companies) are scooping up small software companies as “talent acquisitions” versus accretive revenue / profit generators.  Markets like these are very kind to angel investors because you get taken out early and see a nice pop on your investment.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Angel Investing 4 – Why You Need Deep Pockets to Win Big | Both Sides of the Table

Author: Mark Suster