Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

missle rocketReal entrepreneurs ship, don’t ever forget that.

An idea is worthless until it has been translated and executed into a tangible product that your potential customers can use. Getting from inception of an idea all the way to shipping it seems like a pretty straight forward process, but so is war- get guns, tanks, draw a strategy, invade, and take over.

When you get caught up in the heat of a battle, I’m sure what seemed simple on the surface, isn’t so simple after all. Gunfire has a way of doing that. Shipping a product that customers want is kind of the same thing. The gunfire of confusion, resisting feature creep, and not having a defined process can make taking an idea from inception to shipping it terribly difficult.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How To Go From An Idea To Launching With Paying Customers In 8 Steps

Author: Jason L. Baptiste