Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

city street

Innovation. It’s a good idea, right? In fact, it’s a great idea. If it delivers value.

Hands up who’s seen those pet projects – weeks, months, years of beard-scratching over a concept. A concept that no one completely understands, and no one seems accountable for.

So why is it that innovation so often goes nowhere? Why does so much time, effort and money pour into having-a-go at innovation? I think the word itself might be to blame. Clearly people think innovation is a lofty pursuit of something out of reach, exotic, unique, the stuff of legends. They imagine that when they track this thing down and tame it there’ll be a fanfare, fireworks and fame. So, they go big. They dress it up like they’re going after the Loch Ness Monster. They assemble the team, kit themselves out and off they go.