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COVID 19 Cough chamber shows six feet not far enough Neuroscience News

Summary: Droplets from a cough travel at a speed of 1.2 meters per second at peak velocity. Findings reveal that there is no logical reason to suggest 6 foot of physical distance is substantial at reducing coronavirus transmission.

Source: Western University

A recent Western-led study says two meters might not be far enough away if someone lets an uncovered cough loose in your direction – meaning sneeze and cough etiquette is more than a simple social nicety, but a key to stopping the spread of diseases like COVID-19.

Image: Western Engineering’s cough chamber is a two-metre enclosed cube with an opening and chin rest in the front, which is used as an access point for study participants to cough. Within the cube, a camera and a laser are used to determine the velocity of the expelled droplets from the cough. The image is credited to Frank Neufeld.