Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Angel Capital Association

Kansas City, MO (May 18, 2020) – A peak pandemic April survey of leading angel investors revealed strong continued commitment to creating jobs via investment in start-ups. The result of “Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Angel Groups and Portfolio Companies” were announced at the Angel Capital Association’s (ACA) annual Summit, ACA 2020 - The Summit of Angel Investing. More than 50 major angel investing groups, representing thousands of active investors and hundreds of their portfolio companies around the US, responded. Findings included:

  • Overall angel groups (71%) plan on continuing to invest although level of investment may decline
  • Over 60% were still interested in funding a new startup company; only 32% said their interest has diminished
  • Support for additional investment in their portfolio companies was very strong at 81%
  • 86% of the portfolio companies applied for CARES Act Funding and more reaching out to their investors for guidance and support
  • 88% of portfolio companies see potential growth opportunities during the crisis