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BALTIMORE, May 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Johns Hopkins University today released a comprehensive report to help government, technology developers, businesses, institutional leaders and the public make responsible decisions around use of digital contact tracing technologies (DCTT), including smartphone apps and other tools, to fight COVID-19.

Digital Contact Tracing for Pandemic Response – a report led by the Berman Institute for Bioethics in collaboration with the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins, as well as leading experts worldwide – highlights the ethical, legal, policy and governance issues that must be addressed as DCTT are developed and implemented. The report's primary conclusions and recommendations advise that privacy should not outweigh public health goals and other values; that big technology companies should not unilaterally set terms when such broad public interests are at stake; and that decisions about the technology and its uses will have to be constantly updated as new information becomes available.