As we wrap up our GeeksOnaPlane video series for TechCrunch TV, I
thought I’d offer a perspective on Asia from the eyes of a Silicon
Valley geek and investor (not to mention the father of two
Japanese-American kids).
For those aren’t familiar with what GeeksOnaPlane (aka “GoaP”) is all about, we bring geeks and investors from Silicon Valley and elsewhere to geeky locations all around the globe. We talk/ meet/ socialize to understand more about technology, entrepreneurship, and new markets through travel and cultural exchange. To learn more, visit our website and blog and meet the 100+ folks who have traveled with us to Asia in 2009 and 2010, and Europe in 2009, or see any of the thousands of photos, tweets, and other social media created while we visited 10+ countries in the last 2 years.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Dave McClure’s First Investment In China: ChinaNetCloud (TCTV)
Author: Dave McClure