Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


On June 3-4, 2020, The Association of University Research Parks (AURP) held their Bio Health Caucus Virtually with panels and keynote speeches focusing on topics from Bio Health Innovation Districts to the Role and Responsibility of Bio Health Anchor Institutions in Community Engagement.

One "fireside chat" which took place, was on the topic of "Three Decades of Building Bio Health Facilities", moderated by BHI's Founding President and Chief Executive Officer, Rich Bendis. The special guest was Joel Marcus, Executive Chairman and Founder of Alexandria Real Estate Equities.

They discussed the history of Alexandria, an urban office REIT that pioneered the life science real estate niche beginning in 1994. Joel also shared his wisdom and lessons gained during successful and even tumultuous financial and economic challenging times. Attendees gained insight and predictions for the future post COVID-19 and beyond.

A video recording of the discussion is now available on the new BHI YouTube Channel.