Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It was two weeks after the Covid lockdown hit San Francisco. Many entrepreneurs were starting to worry. The venture capitalists of Sandhill Road and South Park were still taking pitch meetings, albeit over Zoom. But the check writing had practically stopped, and “The Great Pause of 2020” had begun. At the early-stage venture firm NFX, James Currier huddled around a Zoom with his co-founders, Gigi Levy-Weiss and Pete Flint. Being a four-time entrepreneur himself, Currier knew that this was the moment NFX was built for. It’s said that generals are made in times of war. The world was at war with a virus, and he was hatching a plan. 

Image: James Currier, NFX. Image credit: Christopher Michel, CHRISTOPHER MICHEL