Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

One week's worth of plastic waste collected by just one family. Many say they reuse and recycle as much as possible but need more solutions to ensure they can be truly effective.
Image: REUTERS/Paul Hanna - RC163CC264B0

COVID-19’s disruptions helped the world see systems change in a new light. Industries once thought slow to change have rapidly applied new solutions. Change-makers in the digital arena are forging new collaborations with new partners. We have been forced to adopt an innovation mindset and with it, found a range of special opportunities for tackling tough challenges such as reducing the strain on natural resources and keeping more goods in use through circular economy thinking.

Image: One week's worth of plastic waste collected by just one family. Many say they reuse and recycle as much as possible but need more solutions to ensure they can be truly effective. Image: REUTERS/Paul Hanna - RC163CC264B0