Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The world of technology is evolving faster than ever. With so many new tech trends emerging, it can feel impossible to keep up with them all. Despite the difficulty, identifying and investing in the right ones can give your business a competitive advantage and set you up for success.

That’s why we asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council what tech trends more entrepreneurs should prepare for and what concrete actions they can take to move in the right direction. Their best answers are below.

Image: Top row, from left: Jack Tai, Steven Ridzyowski, Kelly Richardson, Blair Williams, Jacob Tanur. Middle row, from left: Syed Balkhi, Solomon Thimothy, Jared Atchison, Amine Rahal, Andy Karuza. Bottom row, from left: Thomas Griffin, Daisy Jing, Andrew Schrage, Stephanie Wells. -