Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Whitebox's Baltimore team inside its Curtis Bay HQ.

When it comes to the economy as a whole, describing a slowdown is the norm as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. In venture capital, however, it’s picking up. VC investment dollars hit a seven-quarter high in the U.S. in the third quarter of 2020: A total of $36.5 billion was invested in U.S. tech and healthcare companies, according to data from the MoneyTree Report by PwC/CB Insights. That’s up 30% from the second quarter. The total number of deals rose to 1,461 investments in companies, up 1% over the prior quarter.

It’s the second straight quarter of growth, indicating that a slowdown toward the end of March as the pandemic set in didn’t become the norm.

Image: Whitebox's Baltimore team inside its Curtis Bay HQ. (Courtesy photo)